Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bringing Things Back to Reality!

Hey peoples! I know I haven’t blogged in a bit it’s because quite frankly… life gets the best of me at times and my focus of writing can get off track.  But, in a way it’s a good thing because I can bring more “real life situations” to my blog and other writings.  Through my journey I’ve experienced so much good and bad and although there have been times where I have felt like I won’t rise above, I always have. The topic that resonates in my mind for today’s’ post is REALITY.   Today life is so different from where it was 10, 15, 20 years ago.  How we interact as people, the issues of the world, and the minimization of our thinking because we have become reliant on technology.

Personal Interaction has become non-existent nowadays due to text-messaging and social networks.  If you’re anything like me, I like to keep it old school where phone conversations and face to face interactions are extremely important.  I feel that social networking has made it so that getting to know someone isn’t possible because most people put on a show for the cameras sort of speak.  So the person ends up getting to know an illusion of what you think is great.  I think if everyone practiced picking up the phone or scheduled a day out to speak to the special people in their life whether it’s a family member, friend, or boyfriend/girlfriend, rather than send an email, text, or a post on facebook there’s a strong possibility that the quality of the relationship will be stronger.  It’s funny because the amount of time a person probably spends on social networks could be spent with building the relationships that are in your life.  It seems that fall outs with relationships are happening far too often nowadays and quite frankly some of that increase is based off of what others may see on social networks that are disrespectful, and also communication that is misinterpreted through email or text.  Back in the day, we didn’t have the insight and also we had to talk stuff out or just not speak at all!  How can we fix this?  Spend less typing and more talking.

I myself have been doing a lot of thinking about becoming more involved with young girls today.  I am so ashamed on how women are portraying themselves nowadays.  What happened to the standards?  Did they fall off at age 12/13 when a girl is starting to come into their own?  All of the slutty photos, derogatory comments and wiliness to do anything for a man have to STOP! Trust me he may look at you for the moment, have sex with you but then he WILL throw you to the side.  Social Networking has made this more available to be viewed for all to see and it’s NOT good for young women to want to grow and follow in that path.  So I’m adamant about trying either to find an organization for young girls  to work with or to one day create a place where young girls who do not have the proper guidance have a place to come to so that they are able to find their self worth and strength so that they do not get sucked into this world of the dying.  Women be there for your daughters and help mold great women.  Let’s build standards!  I will touch on men in my next blog.

Technology has made it so easy for us to not be mentally stimulated with using the education that we have learned in school.  Although it has it benefits I feel that it’s giving us more time to get wrapped up in nonsense instead of being forced to be educated or interacting with people to help mold the strength of a woman.

I just miss the days where the simple things in life were important.  Loyalty was there, respect for a relationship was there, true friendships were able to be built, and real relationships were built off of effort.  I’m not saying that things didn’t happen back then but I do know that issues have increased tremendously.

So let’s fall from the superficial world that we have created with ourselves and bring it back to reality.


Realistic Thoughts

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