Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

This isn't a post specific to relationships or heartbreak. I want to talk to myself through written word about my fear. Fear to move forward. I'm human and not as strong as people may perceive me to be all the time. I do have moments when life gets the best of me and it derives from my fears. I battle with myself to make decisions in my personal life because I'm fearful of the repercussions. I see a spectacular life for myself but the pressure to succeed in the midst of trial can push me into a feeble-minded state. I tense up and become a person that I don't want to be. At times I've put those the pressures on others and expected them to pick up where I fell weak. Is it fair? No. But, I continue to do it because it relives me in a weird way. Out of all the feelings that a person can have, FEAR in my opinion is the strongest emotion that drives our decisions. I still question, how to break the fear? I know I can do it.
I have so much to give this world. It's to the point to where I want to burst. But this damn fear keeps me closed. My passion is so strong! I'm coming to the realization that being closed mouth with what I want to say is causing me more stress then the sense of feeling safe. I know I can't live my life to the fullest until I fully let go...let go Yvette! Your mother always told you from birth that you were gonna be someone special...let that come through you!

Friday, January 11, 2013

People Gonna Say Thangs!

This is my motivational post for women. (I guess men can pull from this as well) Everyday women are objectified and made to feel like they have to be at a certain potential in order to be accepted by men. They're some woman who can turn the other cheek and are strong enough to not let it affect them but they're many who can't.

Daily women continuously examine areas they feel are wrong with them and dwell on their imperfections and on what they can do to fix it. Even I have fallen victim to this in the past. I think we all need to become comfortable in our skin and appreciate what God gave us. We need to be blessed that God has provided us with a healthy functioning body because the mere things that we may complain about they're people out there who are struggling with disease and are wishing that they had hair or normal skin, even the mental ability to function normally in the world. Know that People are gonna say things regardless but try and dig deep within yourself and find the self confidence in yourself and accept who you are!

We can always look to Improve with doing the things that we should do regardless as far as being healthy and taking care of our bodies that God gave us.

And side note, if your listening to the men who always have something to say 9 times out of 10 they ain't perfect, nobody is...we all have imperfections. And for the ones who are continuously talking about people have a seat and realize that you clearly have insecurities that you are dealing with because if you didn't you wouldn't be so worried about how everyone looks and would be focused on you.
In the end, we all have things whether its scars, stretch marks, over weight, skinny, birth marks, bags, dark circles, big lips, big nose, small nose, different hair types, big teeth, you name it! It's something that we don't like. learn to accept it and move on! And also, women stop judging other women sometimes we can be our worse enemy. I've also fallen victim to this in the past but I've grown and I'm confident in myself. We are all beautimous (honey boo boo saying) lol our own way! SMILE

Sunday, December 9, 2012


A Photo can bring pain or happiness that feels the same,how u interpret it can fuel or dissipate your flame. Close Ur eyes and picture the rain and when it's done know that you've clear the pain. Sunshine always comes after the rain!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bringing Things Back to Reality!

Hey peoples! I know I haven’t blogged in a bit it’s because quite frankly… life gets the best of me at times and my focus of writing can get off track.  But, in a way it’s a good thing because I can bring more “real life situations” to my blog and other writings.  Through my journey I’ve experienced so much good and bad and although there have been times where I have felt like I won’t rise above, I always have. The topic that resonates in my mind for today’s’ post is REALITY.   Today life is so different from where it was 10, 15, 20 years ago.  How we interact as people, the issues of the world, and the minimization of our thinking because we have become reliant on technology.

Personal Interaction has become non-existent nowadays due to text-messaging and social networks.  If you’re anything like me, I like to keep it old school where phone conversations and face to face interactions are extremely important.  I feel that social networking has made it so that getting to know someone isn’t possible because most people put on a show for the cameras sort of speak.  So the person ends up getting to know an illusion of what you think is great.  I think if everyone practiced picking up the phone or scheduled a day out to speak to the special people in their life whether it’s a family member, friend, or boyfriend/girlfriend, rather than send an email, text, or a post on facebook there’s a strong possibility that the quality of the relationship will be stronger.  It’s funny because the amount of time a person probably spends on social networks could be spent with building the relationships that are in your life.  It seems that fall outs with relationships are happening far too often nowadays and quite frankly some of that increase is based off of what others may see on social networks that are disrespectful, and also communication that is misinterpreted through email or text.  Back in the day, we didn’t have the insight and also we had to talk stuff out or just not speak at all!  How can we fix this?  Spend less typing and more talking.

I myself have been doing a lot of thinking about becoming more involved with young girls today.  I am so ashamed on how women are portraying themselves nowadays.  What happened to the standards?  Did they fall off at age 12/13 when a girl is starting to come into their own?  All of the slutty photos, derogatory comments and wiliness to do anything for a man have to STOP! Trust me he may look at you for the moment, have sex with you but then he WILL throw you to the side.  Social Networking has made this more available to be viewed for all to see and it’s NOT good for young women to want to grow and follow in that path.  So I’m adamant about trying either to find an organization for young girls  to work with or to one day create a place where young girls who do not have the proper guidance have a place to come to so that they are able to find their self worth and strength so that they do not get sucked into this world of the dying.  Women be there for your daughters and help mold great women.  Let’s build standards!  I will touch on men in my next blog.

Technology has made it so easy for us to not be mentally stimulated with using the education that we have learned in school.  Although it has it benefits I feel that it’s giving us more time to get wrapped up in nonsense instead of being forced to be educated or interacting with people to help mold the strength of a woman.

I just miss the days where the simple things in life were important.  Loyalty was there, respect for a relationship was there, true friendships were able to be built, and real relationships were built off of effort.  I’m not saying that things didn’t happen back then but I do know that issues have increased tremendously.

So let’s fall from the superficial world that we have created with ourselves and bring it back to reality.


Realistic Thoughts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The New Inspirational Craze... Nikoleye!?!?

Get to Know The New Inspirational Artist on the EASTCOAST!! Nikoleye!

Find out what the BUZZ is about and who Nikoleye is and what lead him to be the person he is today!

Check out his first single "Victorius Pt. II" from his forthcoming album The Wilderness Project

First tell me, who is Nikoleye?

Haha wow who is Nikoleye. I would say Nikoleye is a hardcore speak his mind go hard for Christ artist. He is compassionate, determined, very persistent, creative, genuine, unique and very original. I'm a musician, Iove the piano. I'm a loving father. I'm a real family man. My fav food is Italian food I don't eat pork or red meat though. I work out like to stay in shape. Love being fly think my swag is crazy. But I'm down to earth love having fun and enjoying life.

Please tell me how did the name Nikoleye evolve?

The way I came up with the name Nikoleye is crazy. When I was rapping secular they called me Hot Niks. Coming up in the church reading and studying anything dealing with the ends times caught my attention. You know how the old saints would always say these are the last days.(haha) but a friend of mine at work had the left behind books on recorded books. So working all day would be boring and we really couldn't read the books so I was like you mind if I listen. So listening to the books was crazy it really grabbed my attention. Of course I ended up reading them as well. (haha) letting you know so yaw won't be like he don't read he listen.(haha) but anyway the twist is this. The character that played the anti-Christ name was Nicolai Carpathia. I know I know why take the name of the anti-Christ. I just had the mental to turn something that would be considered bad and make it good. Being as though we are in a spiritual war and you have rappers calling themselves god and feeding poison to our people. I decided I was anti to the self genocide being created through our music. So I was like they call themselves god of rap I'll represent the true living God Jesus but take the name of the anti in that book but make it good. I know that's crazy but that's how I came about giving myself the name Nikoleye. And for those that haven't read the left behind books read them they are really good. They should cut me a check for that promotion haha.

What lead you to wanting to rap/sing?

Wow, well I've always had a passion for music. I actually started out playing the piano as a kid in church. And I was always that kid at school that would make beats on the table at lunch or in class. Nobody could rock it how I rocked it on the lunch tables.(haha) so all the rappers would be like I want him the make the beat. Not knowing I would end up producing I remember when being out there me and my boys were doing something we shouldn't have been doing. (blowing) that's all I'll say but thank God for deliverance. They came at me like don't you got a keyboard. Don't you play the piano. I was like yea why. So they were like yo go get it and try to make a beat and we'll rap. That was my boy Breeze and ILL Will haha. So I started out as a producer. I never had the desire to be a rapper. It started out all in fun just something to do until we realized we were actually good at this. I would say my boy Breeze was the one that really pushed me into rapping. He started a little battle rap that we look back on now like yo we were crazy haha. So that's how I really started rapping I had to defend myself haha. So shout out to my homie Breeze and my brother Tight for giving me that push. But ever since then I've been rapping and producing music. Started all in the basement on East 27th street. (my block)
What is your musical background?

My musical background is very diverse. I love all music. But of course I started in the church and hip hop is what I do.
What are your songs about? How would you describe your music to people?

My songs are very spiritual. It still has flashy swag in it because it's who I am. I would say that my music has a strong powerful message needed for this time. I come off spiritual, political and do true love songs as well.
Do you write your own songs?

Yes I write and produce all my music. I don't like producing all my music but right now until I work with producers it's all me.
Who are your musical influences?

To be honest right now I can say I'm only influenced by God. When I was young and in the world I would say 2 PAC was my all time fav. I would throw Nas, Common and Mos Def in there. Anyone with a strong flow and positive message I was always down with.
Who would you say is your fan and/or customer base?

I think that my fan base would be anyone who like real music. I think my music ranges to all age groups and races. I think my customer base could be real cats in the streets or locked up as well as people that's into church or just live positive lifestyles. All colors could rock out with me.
What do you think about the current state of music as a whole today?
I would say music right now is in the danger zone. I've really seen no growth or originality in the last 10 years or more. Everyone talks about the same thing and it's no separation at all. Hip Hop and R&B are like one. I remember listening to R&B and you wouldn't have to worry about a Lil wayne or drake coming in with a verse messing up the flow of the song. (haha) I think the message in the music represents nothing but poison. I mean you have a slight few out there that is positive but the mainstream artist that's eating are promoting self destruction. So I'm really not a big fan of today's music.

What are your immediate music career goals?

The main goal is to take over. Be a major player in the game but representing Christ. I mean why settle I want to be used great by God and make a major impact. I think my style of music is def needed and I would bring it the right way.
What do you enjoy most about performing?

Haha what I like most about performing is how everyone is looking at you like wow I had no idea he would be like that. I just enjoy getting people hype and having fun. It's the challenge of getting their attention and keeping it.
Are you working on any current projects?

Yes I'm actually finishing my 1st project in the gospel hip hop lane. The album is called "The Wilderness Project" it's release date is 10/7/12. So be on the lookout for that it's real powerful fun and good food for the soul.
What would you like people to gain from listening to your music?

I would 1st like them to gain relationship with God. That's what it's all about to me winning souls for Christ. It's so many lost out here that's looking for someone to lead the way in a way they can relate to. So that's the main thing I want them to gain. I also want to make music that's effective for any generation. I want someone to be able to put my albums on 20 years from now and they have the ability to receive change and a relationship with God.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stay Strong :)

In the midst of going through things know that this is temporary and where there's a will there's a way...All good things comes to those who wait! YOUR TIME IS NEAR!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hurt No More!

Hurt No More! There is so much more than the pain that you may be feeling today trust me! As your reading this I want you to know that God will bring you through the hurt and pain that you are experiencing. Many of us have had our hearts broken in our life but the thing that will bring us through the pain is how we deal with it and learn to move forward. I think the worse thing about getting your heart broken is how to overcome the pain that you experience. First, looking at the beginning of the relationship is so important. How did it start off? Did you except things that you knew you didn’t like? Did your gut give you an eerie feeling that something wasn’t quite right? Men and Women tend to overlook these signs at the beginning of the relationship. And, when things fall apart they look at what THEY may have done wrong that would cause the OTHER person to cheat, lie, abuse, or hurt them in anyway. When in actuality you allowed faults of another to come into your life which caused you pain. This is called living and learning. God gave us intuition as a guide to use to direct us on the right path and with using this accordingly we will avoid much pain and hurt. I know in the midst of hurt, it’s hard to think clearly. You just want everything to work out and for the pain to leave but take a step back, breathe, and think back to the beginning of things an analyze how YOU could have avoided the situation. Understand that God is protecting us from something that could have been far worse and he wants the best for us. He is a loving God, and out of the pain will come a lesson and joy ahead. Learn to move forward and thank God for getting you out of that situation. Once you recognize your worth with understanding that no person is perfect but also having the abilty to recognize when things are not right, I believe that you will benefit with a prosperous relationship! Say to yourself!!! ***My Past Failures and Hurt is What Motivates ME****

Monday, May 7, 2012

Real thought of the day!

After seeing this chick walk on the floor during the laker /nuggets game made me realize how disgusted I am with women who keep chasing men because their a celebrity, or because of who they know, they're status or how much money they make. Ladies stop chasing MEN and start chasing the bible and read up on self respect! Stop being so desperate because you want a MAN in your life!! #youdeserverespect

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thought of the day!!

When a person cheats on you the only one who gets cheated on in the relationship is them because they cheated themselves out of real happiness with a quality person!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Most people aspire to be something special in their life... Make sure your dream is about others and not only about you. Make a positive change in the world!